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Priority InboxBeta

Welcome to Priority Inbox! By automatically separating out your most important messages, Priority Inbox makes it easy for you to read and respond to the messages that matter.

Get through your email faster

Try reading and replying to the messages in the "Important and Unread" section first. Mark anything that requires follow-up with a star, then go through the "Everything Else" section. If you leave Priority Inbox, you can return to it by clicking the link next to Inbox on the side navigation of Gmail.

How it works

Gmail's servers look at several types of information to identify the email that's important to you, including who you email and chat with most, how often you email with these people, and which keywords appear frequently in the emails you read.

Train Priority Inbox

If Priority Inbox makes a mistake, you can use the Mark important Mark not important buttons to correctly mark a conversation as important or not important, and Priority Inbox will quickly learn what you care about most.


And more...

  • Customize Priority Inbox: You can change what type of email you see in each section (like switching the "Important and Unread" section to just "Important"). Just click on the section headers or visit the Priority Inbox tab under Settings to customize.

  • Use filters to guarantee importance: If you want to be absolutely sure that some messages are always marked as important (like email from your boss), you can set up a filter and choose "Always mark it as important."

  • Search by importance: If you want to see all the messages that have been marked as important, both read and unread, do a Gmail search for "is:important."

  • Switching back to your old inbox: If Priority Inbox isn't for you, you can easily switch back to your normal inbox by clicking "Inbox" on the left or hide Priority Inbox altogether from Gmail Settings.

To learn more about managing your email with Priority Inbox, check out the Gmail Help Center.

- The Gmail Team

Google, Inc. 1600 Amphitheatre Parkway, Mountain View, CA 94043 USA

gmail Kotak Masuk Prioritas Beta

Selamat Datang di Kotak Masuk Prioritas! Dengan secara otomatis memisahkan pesan yang paling penting Anda, Kotak Masuk Prioritas memudahkan bagi Anda untuk membaca dan menanggapi pesan yang materi.

Dapatkan melalui email Anda lebih cepat

bagian Cobalah membaca dan membalas pesan di dalam "Penting dan tidak memiliki" bagian pertama. apa Markus yang membutuhkan tindak lanjut dengan bintang, kemudian pergi melalui "Lain-Lain" bagian. Jika Anda meninggalkan Prioritas Inbox, Anda bisa kembali ke sana dengan mengklik link di sebelah Inbox pada sisi navigasi Gmail.
Luncurkan toko Anda hanya dalam 4 detik dengan 