3 receptions emotional sales

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People are not buying as many goods as their ideas about him, shape or change that by virtue only of emotional presentation. That makes good emotions come alive in the minds of customers and transform it into an object of desire. A series of commercials touting the new Infiniti G Sedan - a vivid example of such a presentation.

Admission 1. Selling stories

I'm sure you know what power gives a good sale and the place tell a story. Customers love stories, and educated sellers always have in stock a couple of stories related to the product and make presentations more lively and memorable. Such a method of sales as storytelling (storytelling) And became the basis for this clip.

The seller completes the presentation that creates a vivid imagination, a buyer a picture of owning a car: "When I see how you mchish it towards the sun, I'll know that you're just the guy who was born to have it ..."

Reception 2. For Sale by analogy

Using the sales comparison and metaphor, brings you the customer with the goods. "Here you know your smartphone? Here is a beautiful machine, a smart and intelligent". Transferring the goods as a friend to the one that you sell, you call the client's memory clear analogy and association.

This method of sales is used for striking and memorable presentations - just select the image imprinted in the minds of the customer. In the video, there is another clue - responding during presentation of the questions that the buyer can ask myself, you not only improves customer contact, but also process the possible objections. "Moscow - the city beautiful, big: staring - flew turn. What will you do? - That's right ..."

Reception 3. Selling on the contrast

Contrast effect - Another powerful technique of emotional selling. Watch this video, you, as they say, will feel the difference. Your customers are as easy to distinguish on-duty presentation from that of the soul. Sales and enthusiasm inseparable. Lack of enthusiasm makes sellers in speaking guides and walking offers.

Emotions are like oil for the engine, without them in sales there is no necessary dynamics. Your optimism and faith in the product is always sent to your customers, uchaschaya beating of their hearts and enhancing shine of their eyes. And when customers are burning eyes, you know what that means.

Commercials created by advertising agency Grape, For which he - a single respect.

source: http://mindspace.ru/blog_id=581.html

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